-The Hindu FIR filed under IT Act; six suspects identified Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said on Tuesday the police would act tough on the “handful of morons” abusing and harassing girl members of the Valley’s musical bands, even as the first criminal case was registered under the Information Technology Act and six of the suspects were identified. “We’ll leave no stone unturned to ensure that every one of them is...
The Nandy Bully-S Anand
-Outlook The sorts of corruption that matter are a purview of privileged “An intellectual man can be a good man but he may easily be a rogue. Similarly an intellectual class may be a band of high-souled persons, ready to help, ready to emancipate erring humanity, or it may easily be a gang of crooks or a body of advocates of narrow clique from which it draws its support.” —B.R....
More »Justice JS Verma, former Chief Justice of India interviewed by Aman Sharma
-The Economic Times Justice JS Verma says women remain unsafe because of poor governance, not dearth of laws, in an interview with ET. The former Chief Justice of India, who headed the three-member committee to suggest measures for a safer environment for women, had submitted his panel's report in just 29 days, and wants the government to act in the same time: * Do you expect the govt to implement your recommendations...
More »Why the Parliament should reject the standing committee’s recommendations on the Food Security Bill: RTFC
-Kafila.org This statement was put out by the RIGHT TO FOOD CAMPAIGN on 24 January The much awaited recommendations of the Standing Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution on the National Food Security Bill are a letdown to those who wrote to the Committee urging it to ensure justice to the people of India. The Committee despite taking a year since December 2011 when the Bill was tabled in the...
More »A moment of triumph for women-Kalpana Kannabiran
-The Hindu The comprehensive reforms suggested by Justice Verma and his colleagues will protect the right to dignity, autonomy and freedom of victims of sexual assault and rape Starting with Tarabai Shinde’s spirited defence of the honour of her sister countrywomen in 1882, women’s movements in India have been marked by persistent and protracted struggles. But despite this rich and varied history, we have in recent weeks found ourselves shocked at the...
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