One swipe of the smart card and hospital bills of up to Rs 30,000 can be paid under the Centrally sponsored Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY). This potential of the smart card, unlocked for over twenty million beneficiaries of the scheme, is now set to empower beneficiaries of subsidised food grains in Orissa to buy wheat and rice. The idea is to have a single smart card serve multiple purposes. The...
Rs 2 lakh bonanza for RTI applicant by Sunchika B Pandey
The wait has been long, but Prakash Sheth, 45, can now say it has been worth the wait. In a rare judgment, the chief information commissioner (CIC) awarded Rs2 lakh as compensation to Sheth, who was made to run from pillar to post to get a reply to his RTI query. He had submitted an application to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), Hyderabad, on September 29, 2009. He had sought...
More »Identifying a billion Indians
IN A small village north-west of Bangalore, peasants queue for identities. Each man fills in a form with his name and rough date of birth, or gets someone who can read to do it for him. He places his fingertips on one scanner and stares at another. A photograph of his face is snapped. These images are uploaded to a computer. Within a few weeks he will have an identity...
More »Labour Ministry expects Rs 1,300 cr from Budget
The Labour and Employment Ministry is expecting Rs 1,300 crore under planned allocation in the coming Budget, which will enable it to reach out to more workers in unorganised sector and extending health Insurance cover to poor, an official said. The Ministry was allocated Rs 965 crore under the same plan in the ongoing fiscal. "We are expecting Rs 1,300 crore in the coming Budget to extend Insurance cover to the poor...
More »Increase sought in budgetary allocation for tribals
The Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch (AARM) has urged Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to ensure that the allocation for the Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) in this year’s budget is increased to 8.4 per cent, in keeping with the strength of the tribals in the country. They stressed that the shortfall on this account was over Rs 27,000 crores in the last two years. Members of the AARM, which works among tribal...
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