-The Hindu Business Line Dependence on the public distribution system (PDS) for buying essential commodities has gone up in recent times, according to the results of the latest household consumption survey. The National Sample Survey (NSS) 66th round, done in 2009-10, shows that consumption of rice, wheat, sugar and kerosene, sold through the PDS, rose both in urban and rural households, against the previous survey in 2004-05. The fact that the Government...
Dumb, dumber, dumbest: attackers,defenders both miss Ashis Nandy’s sarcasm at Jaipur fest!-Ratnakar Tripathy
-BiharDays.com If familiar with Indian politics and society, here is an IQ test for you. This is what Nandy said during a panel discussion as transcribed from a video clip doing the rounds in the media. Read it as carelessly as you wish and see if you can get the sarcasm. I bet you will, unless you are a towering intellectual or a star media analyst-panelist-commentator. Here it goes: ‘It is a fact...
More »Inclusive Media Fellowship 2013 Results Announced
Eight journalists from Hindi and English media from six states have been selected for the 2013 Inclusive Media Fellowships of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS). In the best tradition of investigative and meaningful journalism, the fellows will spend time with rural communities to bring out their issues and anxieties for public and policy intervention. The fellowship Jury comprising Mr Krishna Prasad, Editor-in-Chief, Outlook, Mr Arvind Mohan,...
More »Hear no nuance, just jail them -Chandrima S Bhattacharya and Smitha Verma
-The Telegraph Jaipur, Jan. 27: An FIR against social scientist Ashis Nandy for alleged defamatory remarks on Dalits and tribals has brought to the fore a growing trend of “thought terrorism” that treats nuanced opinion as heresy liable to be crushed with a heavy hand. The remarks by Nandy, a widely respected sociologist known for his nuanced positions and reluctance to play to the gallery just to be part of “acceptable voices”,...
More »Why the Parliament should reject the standing committee’s recommendations on the Food Security Bill: RTFC
-Kafila.org This statement was put out by the RIGHT TO FOOD CAMPAIGN on 24 January The much awaited recommendations of the Standing Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution on the National Food Security Bill are a letdown to those who wrote to the Committee urging it to ensure justice to the people of India. The Committee despite taking a year since December 2011 when the Bill was tabled in the...
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