-PTI A sum of over Rs. 642 crore has been incurred on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's air travels abroad in the last NINe years. This information has been made public by the PMO as part of obligations under the mandatory proactive disclosure clause of the Right to Information Act. The information reveals that Singh undertook 67 travels since 2004 when he took over as PM, of which bills of five have not been...
Madhya Pradesh: Found pregnant, brides forced out of mass marriage -Manjari Mishra
-The Times of India JABALPUR: Twenty-year-old Naraini was one among NINe prospective brides who were unceremoniously evicted from a government-organised mass marriage function in Betul and made to surrender their gift hampers on Friday after two women officials prodded their belly and announced them pregnant. As Naraini came out of the venue, the groom followed suit after surrendering the gifts worth Rs 10,000 given under chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan's scheme for...
More »SP in favour of parties coming under RTI -Pervez Iqbal Siddiqui
-The Times of India LUCKNOW: Breaking ranks with the other parties, the Samajwadi Party on Thursday said it favoured a mechanism of checks and balances for transparency in the functioNINg of the political parties. The SP was referring to the June 3, 2013, ruling of the chief information commissioner (CIC) that says political parties come under the Right to Information (RTI) Act. Almost all national parties have opposed the CIC ruling. National...
More »'Roshni' for Naxalite-affected areas: 50,000 youths to be trained
-PTI NEW DELHI: Reaching out to youths in Naxal-hit areas, Centre on Friday launched a placement linked skill development scheme targeting 50,000 rural men and women, mostly tribals, in 24 worst affected districts. Initiating the programme called "Roshni", rural development minister Jairam Ramesh said at least 50 per cent of the candidates covered under the scheme will be women and special efforts will be made to proactively cover particularly vulnerable tribal groups...
More »Fat purse with perform rider-Amit Gupta
-The Business Standard Ranchi: Jharkhand could qualify for more funds than the Rs 1,500-crore earmarked as labour budget under MGNREGS, if the state pulled up its socks and honoured deadlines while executing the Centre's flagship scheme this fiscal. The word came from Union rural development minister Jairam Ramesh who reviewed the job programme and action plans for Saranda and Sarju areas among other things at the Project Building in Ranchi today. "Of the...
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