Ration at your doorstep project has proved a hit in Pune district, with nearly 44 villages benefiting from this system. State Food and Civil Supply Minister Anil Deshmukh had launched the scheme under a novel initiative of revamping Public Distribution System (PDS) in the state. The government had earlier received flak for the poor flow of PDS. The minister had announced the method to curb black marketing and plug loopholes...
BJP unhappy over PDS in state
The Bharatiya Janata Party Nagaland expressed unhappiness over the Pubic Distribution System (PDS) of essential commodities in the state. It stated that the present PDS is in the hand of a few contractors, appointed by the government as state Stockiest and District Nominee, for mobilization/handling and transportation of essential commodities meant for districts on contractual basis by signing of an agreement for one year period. “These temporary deeds are purely for...
More »Losing their nerve? by Jean Dreze
Five years ago, when the proposed National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) was a subject of fierce controversy, Bunker Roy compared the attitude of the government to that of a dog who crosses a road half-way, can’t decide whether to go forward or backward, and gets run over. This enlightening image applies again today, in the context of the proposed National Food Security Act (NFSA). The National Advisory Council (NAC) discussed...
More »Jharkhand PDS set to go hi-tech
Very soon, finger prints would become the key to foodgrains at the public distribution system (PDS) outlets in Jharkhand. Having given its nod to induct about 12 lakh new families in the list of people below the poverty line (BPL), the Jharkhand Government has decided to go in for high-tech mechanism for distribution of foodgrains to the beneficiaries of the public distribution system (PDS) across the state. In keeping with the modules...
More »PDS ration to be delivered in Tsg
Bringing much relief to the general public of Tuensang district, after many years of undelivered PDS ration, the village council of Chang villages was able to deposit money for respective PDS items on October 6 and 7. “Hopefully from this month onwards the villages will be receiving regular ration directly from the department godown and this happened due to cooperation from the State Government and the District Supply department in the...
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