-The Hindu Meerut: According to officials in the Lucknow police headquarters, over 100 people have been arrested and 25 cases filed in the last one week. Uttar Pradesh is on the boil again. In just about three weeks, there were as many as a dozen incidents of communal violence. Nine districts of the State, including urban areas like Kanpur, Mianpuri, Kannauj, Pratapgarhm, remained tense because of communal clashes during Durga idol immersion and...
Dr Imrana Qadeer, public health scholar and professor at the Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health (JNU), speaks to Poornima Joshi
-The Hindu Business Line How the Indian State metamorphosed from protector of the poor to facilitator of the private health industry If there is correlation between two incidents of the Central Government announcing cuts in the health budget and dengue patients being refused treatment in Delhi’s private hospitals, it is rarely discussed in the ongoing Media debate on the subject. A new collection of researched essays edited by public health scholar Imrana...
More »Portal to track RTI appeals
-The Hindu Central Information Commission’s to launch Appcoms Locator in March Soon, Right to Information users can register and track the status of their complaints and appeals online with the launch of Appcoms Locator, a web portal of the Central Information Commission, in March. Speaking to Mediapersons on the sidelines of a seminar, organised by the Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, on the Right to Information Act, 2005, here on Saturday, Yashovardhan Azad, Information...
More »Incentivize pulses production to check spiralling prices
The low rate of inflation of 3.88 percent in Consumer Food Price Index during September, 2015 actually hides the high prices at which various pulses (dal) are available in kirana / retail shops across India. In terms of Consumer Price Index (combined), monthly rate of inflation in pulses and products during September 2015 (over September last year) stood at 29.76 percent as compared to the overall monthly retail inflation of...
More »The question of learning -Jayati Ghosh
-Frontline In Rajasthan, the abysmal state of school education has forced pupils, particularly girls, to come out in protest against the shortage of teachers and lack of infrastructure. IT was just over a year ago, on Gandhi Jayanti 2014, that girls of the senior secondary school of the town of Bhim in Rajasthan went on strike. The young, fresh-faced and neatly groomed girls were far removed from anyone’s idea of potentially rowdy...
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