Earlier this week, India's opposition parties came together in a rare show of unity to take to the streets in cities across the country. They protested against the government's recent decision to raise fuel prices after it scrapped its subsidy of petrol prices in an effort to cut the budget deficit. Supporters of the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party joined hands with their ideological rivals among the Communists to paralyse normal life in...
More agricultural investment vital to combat hunger in Asia-Pacific, says UN official
The Asia-Pacific region – home to two-thirds of the world’s one billion malnourished people – must see growth in agricultural investment to tackle the hunger challenge, a senior United Nations official stressed today. The number of hungry people in Asia and the Pacific climbed by more than 60 million in 2009 to 642 million, Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), said in a video message...
More »Harnessing Potential of Rain-Fed Farming by Sant Bahadur
In India, of the total cultivated area of around 140.30 million hectares only 60.86 million is irrigated and remaining 79.44 million hectares is rain-fed. Rain-fed crops account for 48 percent area under food crops and 68 percent of the area under non-food crops. Irrigated land accounts for nearly 55 percent of food production while rain-fed contributes just about 45 percent. Rain-fed farming is risk prone and is characterized by low...
More »Calling attention by Papri Sri Raman
A UNESCO dossier examines the problems faced by the original tribal inhabitants of the Andaman islands. SINCE the 1780s, a variety of players have vied for space in the Andaman archipelago. Today, apart from the three wings of the country's armed forces, others including rice farmers, timber merchants and academics are trying to push out its original inhabitants from their traditional habitats. For the first time in the past 150 years,...
More »PDS kerosene seized from ashram
Seizure follows report of PDS kerosene being used for ritual by Swami Nithyananda A media report literally adding fuel to the fire resulted in Food and Civil Supplies Department officials searching the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam ashram near Bidadi on Wednesday and seizing around 120 litres of blue kerosene meant for the public distribution system. A team of six officials confiscated the fuel from the ashram of the controversial Swami Nithyananda after the report...
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