-The Hindu Meerut: According to officials in the Lucknow police headquarters, over 100 people have been arrested and 25 cases filed in the last one week. Uttar Pradesh is on the boil again. In just about three weeks, there were as many as a dozen incidents of communal violence. Nine districts of the State, including urban areas like Kanpur, Mianpuri, Kannauj, Pratapgarhm, remained tense because of communal clashes during Durga idol immersion and...
Centre to seek review of SC order on banning photos of leaders in government ads -Amit Anand Choudhary & Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Centre on Monday told the Supreme Court that it would soon join hands with West Bengal, Karnataka, Assam and Tamil Nadu to seek review of its May 13 judgment banning photos of political leaders, except President, prime minister and Chief Justice of India, in government advertisements. In an affidavit filed before the court denying any violation of the May 13 judgment, the information and broadcasting...
More »RTI still has miles to go -Haider Abbas
-The Indian Express There are certain issues, however, which need be addressed, to make sure that the information commission becomes fully autonomous and thus becomes a constitutional body. Celebrations for 10 years of democratic transparency, in the form of the Right to Information Act, are going on. What we have achieved as yet and what is still someway to go needs to be found out. The many scams, which have successfully helped...
More »Court vs Government
-Economic and Political Weekly Independence of the judiciary is not the issue in the current stand-off; it is control over appointments. The decision of the Supreme Court striking down the Constitution 99th Amendment and the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) marks a high confrontation level between the executive and the judiciary. One of the first actions of the Narendra Modi government was to bring into being the NJAC to make appointments to...
More »Maharashtra government junks order on sedition -Prafulla Marpakwar
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Alarmed by stringent criticism of his government, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Saturday said the controversial order on sedition charges will be scrapped as early as possible. "We are scrapping the controversial circular. We do not require it. We will inform the Bombay high court accordingly," Fadnavis told TOI. In response to a petition filed by cartoonist Aseem Trivedi and a public interest litigation by Narendra Sharma, a...
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