The liquor baron and Rajya Sabha member from the state, Vijay Mallya, on Tuesday came out in support of tribals in Biligiri Ranga Hills who are in danger of being displaced due to the plan to declare the area as a tiger reserve. Speaking on the sidelines of the International Film Festival of India, in Panaji, he said that the tribals were guarding the tigers from poaching and other dangers. “If...
Will Unique Identity Number derail NREGA? by Alok Pandey and Tanima Biswas
Two of the UPA's flagship programmes, the Unique Identity Number project (UID) and Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme are on a collision course. "I am not against technology, by I think linking the Unique Identity Number project to NREGA can be very dangerous," said Jean Dreze, Member , National Advisory Council. Right now, all that a person needs to ask for work under NREGA is to fill up a form and get the...
More »Kerala to detoxify pesticide-hit district by T Ramavarman
The Kerala government has decided to detoxify' Kasaragod district which has been bearing the brunt of indiscriminate spraying of the highly toxic endosulfan in cashew plantations for the last two decades. All highly toxic Red and Yellow categories of pesticides, including endosulfan, will be banned in the district and the soil and water bodies will be frequently monitored for pesticide content to enable remedial measures, state agriculture minister Mullakkara Retnakaran told...
More »Welcome to the Matrix of the Indian state by Siddharth Varadarajan
The Radia tapes reveal the networks and routers, the source codes and malware that bind the corporate and political establishments in India. As squeamish schoolchildren know only too well, dissection is a messy business. Some instinctively turn away, others become nauseous or scared. Not everyone can stomach first hand the inner workings of an organic system. Ten days ago, a scalpel — in the form of a set of 104 intercepted...
More »India Stocks Sink on Telecommunications Scandal by Heather Timmons
A widening corruption scandal that has touched India’s prime minister sent the country’s stock markets down sharply on Friday and threatened to tarnish the country’s image as a rising economic power. Setting off the turmoil was a report from the country’s auditor earlier this week that about $40 billion in wireless spectrum license fees had been squandered by the government’s telecommunications and information technology minister. On Thursday, India’s Supreme Court criticized...
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