The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Mr K. Rosaiah, has directed the officials to submit a fortnightly report on the progress of schemes and projects aimed at welfare of the tribals and Below Poverty Line (BPL) families living in remote areas. Tackling Extremism At a review meeting on the progress of welfare and development activities in tribal, interior and remote areas in the State with the Minister for Tribal Welfare and Remote and...
New approach to HIV treatment could save 10 million lives, says UN report
A new United Nations report says that a radically simplified approach to ensuring access to HIV treatment for everyone who needs it could prevent 10 million deaths by 2025 and 1 million new infections annually. The so-called Treatment 2.0, says the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), could lower the cost of treatment, simplify treatment regimens, ease the burden on health systems, and improve the quality of life for people living...
More »Poor Performance by SL Rao
India is incredible (after shining), with the fastest growth rate, an emerging demographic dividend and innovative brains for the globe. But the vast majority in rural India — employed in agriculture, small-scale and tiny industries, self-employed, and with no assets — does not find it so. This government, claiming inclusive growth for the grossly deprived and poor, has not taken actions to bring down prices of essential food items, unprecedented...
More »Rs 13,742-cr development plan worked out for Naxal districts by Shishir Gupta
Armed with integrated action plans for 35 Naxalite-affected districts in nine states, the Planning Commission is all set to approach the Union Cabinet for a proposed outlay of Rs 13,742 crore to wean away the tribals from sympathising with the Maoists through comprehensive infrastructure and economic development as well as proper implement of the Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act, 1996 and related Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest...
More »Energy drinks could be harmful by Jayashree Nandi
Tired, bored? Next time you reach for that can of energy drink, pause. For, the food safety authority cautions against excessive use. Energy drinks of various brands that have flooded the market and are available over the counter — in cigarette shops, pubs and even departmental stores — are the new manna for the youth. Precisely why the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has now proposed a...
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