An RTI activist, Mahabir Singh, paid a heavy price for exposing a racket at Chandrawal Village of Fatehabad district in Haryana. Mahabir and some of his friends had filed RTIs to find out more about the Sarpanch and others usurping pension money. They then complained to the district officers, but when nothing happened, they approached the court, that registered a case against the Sarpanch, district social-welfare officer and 14 others. In retaliation, the...
Pollution Threatens Kashmir’s Fish Species by Athar Parvaiz
Several species of fish unique only to the waters of Kashmir are in Danger of extinction due to high levels of pollution, environmentalists say. Limnologist and professor A. R. Yousuf, a specialist in fresh water lakes and rivers, says the excessive and unchecked use of pollution-causing herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers of sub-standard quality dumped into Kashmir waters is the main threat to the survival of these fish species. Yousuf’s list of enDangered...
More »Agitation Challenges Asbestos Import by Ranjit Devraj
Activists hope that a popular agitation against the setting up of a factory to manufacture asbestos products in the eastern Bihar state will result in a nationwide ban on the large-scale import into this country of the deadly mineral fibre. Following six months of agitation against the setting up of the factory in the Chainpur-Bishunpur area of Bihar’s Muzzaffarpur district, state chief minister Nitish Kumar sought to lay blame on the...
More »Sanjay Dixit, Central Employment Guarantee Council interviewed by Sreelatha Menon
Sanjay Dixit is a member of the Central Employment Guarantee Council, a statutory body set up under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). He was initially chosen by Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi to head an NREGA cell in Uttar Pradesh where he has become an official whistleblower of sorts, unearthing several instances of fund diversion in many districts. He talks about the malaise in the five-year-old law that...
More »Treading The Fine Line by Prasad Sangameshwaran
It pays to keep away from private-public partnerships, especially if you plan to ‘only’ create awareness on a topic that complements the business you are in. Last week, foods giant Nestle was probably chewing hard on this thought. The company found itself in an uneasy position in India, when it received unfavourable media coverage for a nutrition-awareness programme that Nestle India had launched in schools in association with universities such...
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