-The Times of India Market leader IndianOil on Monday reduced petrol price by 56 paise to pass on to consumers the benefit of the rupee's growing strength against the dollar in recent times. The fuel will cost Rs 67.90 a litre at IndianOil's pumps in Delhi against Rs 68.46 due to higher incidence of state tax while the price in Mumbai will come down by 71 paise to Rs 74.43 a litre....
What's There To Hide? -Madhu Purnima Kishwar
-Outlook The venom and aggression with which Congress leaders are responding to a simple question first regarding Mrs Sonia Gandhi and now regarding Mr Robert Vadra proves yet again, if any proof were required, that Congressmen and women are convinced there is a lot to hide The venom and aggression with which Congress leaders are responding to a simple question being asked first regarding the foreign travels of Mrs Sonia Gandhi and...
More »The wait for a new passport -Sweta Dutta
-The Indian Express Ten kilometres from Jodhpur city, on a sultry afternoon under a flapping tent, a baby girl is born to Sadhu and Radha. People crowd around and peer into the tent to congratulate the couple. Someone in the crowd says, “The first Indian among us, she should be named Bharati.” The suggestion is met with nods of approval and cheers of “Bharati”. Over the last one month, the makeshift tent...
More »BPL families likely to get subsidised gas
-Pragativadi Bhubaneswar: With the Centre restricting subsidised cooking gas cylinders to six per year, the Odisha government has been contemplating to provide certain relief to BPL families having LPG connections. The food, supplies and consumer welfare department has, sources said, undertaken an exercise with the LPG providing oil companies to work out a strategy for the purpose. Before taking any decision, the state government has proposed to seek information from the oil marketing...
More »Two women working for Rs. 15 a month for 42 years
-The Hindu Here is a classic case that will reveal how the “high-handedness” of a few officials has affected the lives of two Dalit women in Udupi. The two women, Akku and Leela, have put in about four decades of service at the Government Women Teachers’ Training Institute on a monthly salary of Rs. 15. Although they were promised that their services would be regularised, they did not get any benefits even...
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