In the Indian reform story, policies on land have been the least reformed one, said Ratan Tata on Monday. The Chairman of the Tata Group, whose company Tata Motors had to shift the production base for its Nano car from Singur in West Bengal to Sanand in Gujarat following continuous protests over Land Acquisition for the project, said political leaders should be able to strike the right balance in deciding...
‘Mamata’s proposal to set up Railway project at Singur is welcome’ by Marcus Dam
Welcoming the proposal by the Railways for setting up a coach manufacturing unit on the land that was earlier acquired by the State government for Tata Motors’s small car project which was subsequently relocated from Singur, the State’s Industries Minister, Nirupam Sen told the West Bengal Assembly here on Wednesday that it was one case with a hope of achieving consensus in the State on setting up industry. According to...
More »Singur echo in land protest
Farmers of Chandauli district in Uttar Pradesh, who have been served a notice for acquisition of land for a freight corridor for Mamata Banerjee’s railway ministry, have decided to rope in all those who had backed the Singur agitation for a movement against the project. As a first, the farmers have written to Medha Patkar, the spearhead of the Narmada Bachao Andolan, who is one of the key social activists...
More »Mamata allays land fears
Mamata Banerjee today asserted that land would not be taken forcibly for the dedicated freight corridors and multiple options were on the table to procure plots for other rail projects. “We will not take land forcefully for the dedicated freight corridor. We would negotiate and amicably settle the issue….what (is the problem) if there is a delay of four to six months,” the railway minister said during a debate on demands...
More »SLP against Land Acquisition for Nano dismissed by J Venkatesan
The Supreme Court on Monday declined to interfere with a Gujarat High Court judgment dismissing a petition which challenged Land Acquisition by the State government for the Tata Motors’ Nano project at Surendranagar. Rejecting the public interest litigation petition filed by the NGO, Rashtriya Kisan Dal represented by H.K. Thaker, Chief Justice of India K.G. Balakrishnan asked him: “You don’t want industrialisation of Surendranagar? Gujarat is the second most industrialised State.”...
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