-Scroll.in The judge will announce the sentence on December 22. A Delhi court on Monday convicted a man for being part of a mob that set a house on fire during the riots in the national capital in February 2020, reported PTI. This is the first conviction in the Delhi riots cases. Additional Sessions Judge Virender Bhat found Dinesh Yadav guilty under sections 143 (member of an unlawful assembly), 147 (punishment for rioting),...
Why did the media in Bangladesh wake up late to the Cumilla attacks? -Tanishka Sodhi
-Newslaundry.com From a media blackout to carrying government handouts, Bangladeshi media’s coverage of the recent communal violence is a reflection of declining press freedom. A little after 2am on October 13, the eighth day of Durga Puja, a man walked into the puja venue at Nanuardighi in Cumilla, Bangladesh. The main idol was curtained off for the night, but near it was an idol of Hanuman. The man placed a book near...
More »Farmers on the Move for Muzaffarnagar Mahapanchayat, Unprecedented Numbers Reported -Rajeev Khanna
-TheCitizen.in ‘The entire top leadership will make its presence felt at the rally’ Unprecedented mobilisation is underway for a Muzaffarnagar mahapanchayat by farmer organisations, labour unions and other civil society groups to protest the imposition of “pro-corporate” farm laws. Lakhs of people are expected to participate from across the country with the majority coming from Punjab, Haryana, UP and Uttarakhand. Polls are due in three of these states by March. The event holds...
More »Total number of journalists and media houses targeted was 228 in 2020, states India Press Freedom Report 2020 by RRAG
-Press release by Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) dated 30 July, 2021 NEW DELHI: “During 2020 at least 228 journalists (including two cases against media houses) were targeted. These included 12 female journalists who had faced physical violence, online harassment/ threats and cases including under the stringent Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) of 1967”, stated Mr Suhas Chakma, Director of the Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) while releasing India...
More »Citizen's Report on Year Two of the NDA-II Government 2020-2021: Promises and Reality, Civil Society Initiative, Coordinated by Wada Na Todo Abhiyan, released in July, 2021
-Citizen's Report on Year Two of the NDA-II Government 2020-2021: Promises and Reality, Civil Society Initiative, Coordinated by Wada Na Todo Abhiyan, released in July, 2021 “Promises & Reality – Citizens’ Report on the Year Two of the NDA II Government, 2020-21” is a collective work by eminent members and organisations of the Indian civil society. The report covers a wide array of concerns and issues in thematic areas including health,...
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