-The Times of India The probe into the mega-billion 'Coalgate' scam moved into a higher gear on Tuesday, with the Central Bureau of Investigation registering five FIRs into irregularities against five companies and several individuals, including a leading political family of Maharashtra. Those named in the first set of FIRs include Congress member of Rajya Sabha Vijay Jawaharlal Darda, his brother and education minister of Maharashtra Rajendra J Darda and his son...
Shadowboxing over coal-Brinda Karat
-The Indian Express A coal mine worker in jharkhand and an expert on the coal industry called to protest against what he called was the noora kushti (shadowboxing) going on in Delhi. The power of the coal players was earlier seen in jharkhand politics, he said, but now we see it in Delhi. Our players are small, yours are big and powerful. With the CBI itself unearthing prima facie evidence of...
More »A Bill that asks too much of the poor-Jean Drèze & Reetika Khera
-The Hindu Instead of rigid targeting, the government must build on the success of the public distribution system which is quietly becoming a significant means of social support In earlier writings, we have drawn attention to the quiet revival of the public distribution system (PDS) in many States during the last few years. Market prices of PDS commodities — mainly rice and wheat — have sharply increased, giving people a much greater...
More »Coalgate: CBI set to file first set of FIRs, carry out raids today -Neeraj Chauhan
-The Times of India The Central Bureau of Investigation is set to register FIRs in the Coalgate scam on Tuesday morning and conduct raids at the premises of those private players who got coal blocks by misrepresenting facts. Sources said the first set of FIRs into the alleged irregularities in the allocation and utilization of coal deposits may cover eight to ten private companies and are likely to be filed after these...
More »Nagri still in gridlock-Suman K Shrivastava
-The Telegraph Ranchi, Sept. 2: The state government is expected to cut a sorry figure before jharkhand High Court tomorrow when it presents the status of construction of three educational institutions in Nagri. The court, while hearing the case on August 6, had granted the state time till September 2 to begin construction of National University for Study and Research in Law (NUSRL), IIM-Ranchi and IIIT campuses at the spot, which advocate...
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