The Skill India Mission was launched by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 15 July, 2015 with much fanfare. However, a new report from the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) informs us that among persons aged 15 years and above, only 2.4 percent had technical degrees, diplomas or certificates in 2011-12. Based on the 68th round of National Sample Survey (NSS), the report says that the proportion...
Mid-day meals rules lay stress on quality, regularity -Smriti Kak Ramachandran
-The Hindu The Centre notified the mid-day meals rules on Thursday, making running quality tests and sticking to nutritional standards mandatory. The State governments will be held accountable for non-delivery of service. The exhaustive guidelines to be followed by the States come days after 80 children fell ill after being served milk in a School in Agra. If a School fails to serve food to students for three consecutive School days or five...
More »'Kids fare better when taught in mother tongue' -Shreya Roy Chowdhury
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Studying mathematics scores of the same set of kids in multiple rounds of tests, a researcher has concluded that kids learn better in their mother-tongue. Kids attending Telugu medium Schools - data was gathered in Andhra Pradesh - "on average perform significantly better as compared to English medium students" once factors such as native ability, household characteristics and "parental aspirations" are considered and "controlled for." P...
More »Dr David Berger, director of the British Medical Journal group and a general physician practising in Australia, speaks to Rema Nagarajan
-The Times of India Dr David Berger, director of the British Medical Journal group and a general physician practising in Australia, is better known in India for an article he wrote in the BMJ in May last year titled 'Corruption ruins the doctor-patient relationship in India' based on his experiences of working in India. The article sparked a public debate on the widespread corruption in India's healthcare sector. Here now on...
More »Opinion: India, Where Have All the Women Gone? -N Chandra Mohan NEW DELHI: Women account for less than half of India’s population but their participation in the workforce is way below that of men. They account for 27 per cent of the workforce. If – and it is a big if – their number were to increase to the same level as men in the workforce, the country’s output of good and services would expand by 27 per cent, argues Christine...
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