Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda has announced a Rs 8.5 crore package for assistance to farmers in the flood-affected areas of the state. The package includes free and subsidised seeds of different crops and additional fertilisers to the farmers. The flood-affected areas include Sirsa, Fatehabad, Ambala, Kurukshetra, Kaithal and some parts of Karnal district. The stayte government will supply mini-kits of seeds of alternative crops like toria, hybrid bajra and...
PDS universalisation should be time-bound by Biraj Patnaik
The latest recommendation by the National Advisory Council on the National Food Security Act represents a significant shift in the debate on food security in the country. The discussions in the NAC suggest that the debate has largely been around the universalisation of the Public Distribution System. There also seems to have been other decisions taken by the NAC, especially on the right to food of vulnerable people and children’s right...
More »Rough ride ahead
Hopes of an early respite from mounting price pressures have been belied by inflation numbers released on Wednesday. The wholesale price index for June 2010 is up 10.55% against a rise of 10.16% in May. Worse, the number for April has been revised up from 9.59% to a 19-month high of 11.23%. If the same order of revision continues , the June number could well cross 12%, a dangerously high...
More »Opposition to food bill plan by Radhika Ramaseshan
The proposals on the food security law, tentatively agreed upon by the National Advisory Council yesterday, were opposed by right to food campaigners who insisted their concerns should be taken on board before the bill was put into shape. Some of the campaigners, such as Nikhil Dey and Kavita Srivastava, were closely associated with council members Jean Dreze, Aruna Roy and Harsh Mander when they had worked together on the...
More »'NAC should address issue of abundance of food' by Sreelatha Menon
Right to Food Movement, a network of NGOs favouring a food security law, said the NAC should address issues of abundance of food and efficiency of a public distribution system before finalising the draft on food security Bill. Citing Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) norms that prescribe 14 kg of cereals, 1.5 kg of pulses and 800 grams of cooking oil for a moderately active adult per month, RFM said...
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