The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday registered a disproportionate assets case against a senior IAS officer, presently posted in the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) as Commissioner, after raiding his residence and other places allegedly owned by him in the capital region. The investigating agency also claimed to have recovered huge assets disproportionate to his known source of income. The officer, Manoj Kumar Agarwal, 43, is posted as Commissioner...
Fight Corruption - Save Development
On International Anti-Corruption Day (9 December), the United Nations has warned that corruption kills development, and is one of the biggest impediments to reaching the Millennium Development Goals. "When public money is stolen for private gain, it means fewer resources to build schools, hospitals, roads and water treatment facilities. When foreign aid is diverted into private bank accounts, major infrastructure projects come to a halt," said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. He warned...
More »Climate change threatening survival of Himalayan communities – UN report
Climate change is posing a serious threat to communities in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region, bringing both drought and catastrophic floods to hundreds of millions of people, according to a new United Nations-backed report. Food security, housing, infrastructure, business and even the survival of people living in mountainous regions and their neighbours in river basins downstream in the region are extremely vulnerable to climate change, it said. The publication was launched...
More »Jairam seeks review of MP river-linking project by Aarti Dhar
Wants exclusion of tiger reserve area falling within its purview Says construction of dam will disturb the core habitat of wild animals Minister concerned at the ecological implications of project NEW DELHI: Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh has asked the Centre to review the Ken-Betwa river-linking project in Madhya Pradesh in view of the ecological implications. In a letter to Union water resources Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal, Mr. Ramesh...
More »Need to Realise Full Benefits of the Protective Law for Tribals by Bharat Dogra
At a time when there is growing concern about the causes of increasing discontent and alienation among tribals, it is important to recall a very important law for improving the governance of the Scheduled Areas in such a way as to protect the interests of tribals. The reference here is to the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act 1996 (briefly called the PESA law). If this Act had been properly...
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