Jharkhand embarked on its first panchayat polls in three decades on an encouraging note today, recording an impressive turnout in defiance of a few determined efforts by Maoist groups to disrupt the process at various places. Voters queued up from early morning, helping the state to notch up a poll percentage of 64.7 per cent with chief minister Arjun Munda’s home district of Seraikela-Kharsawan recording the highest turnout of 79 per...
FCI to beef up capacity in NE with PDS in mind
The Food Corporation of India is looking to augment its storage capacity in the north-east region to ensure timely supplies for the government’s public distribution system. “Inadequate storage facility in the north-east region creates problems in ensuring regular supplies to the PDS (public distribution system),” Union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar told ET. The current storage capacity of the government’s top grain management agency in the north-eastern states is 4.58 lakh...
More »Rs 3,300 crore for 60 Naxal-hit areas
Aiming to arrest the spread of Red terror in the country, the Union Cabinet cleared a Rs 3,300 crore special plan for 60 Naxal-affected districts across nine states to ensure overall development of these areas. Earlier, 35 districts were slated to receive the funds. Under the special plan -- Integrated Action Plan (IAP) for Selected Tribal and Backward Districts -- each of the 60 Naxal-hit districts would get Rs 25 crore...
More »Action Plan for 60 Naxal-hit districts by Vinay Kumar
Each to be given a block grant of Rs. 25 crore With the aim of giving a fillip to development schemes in tribal and backward regions, mostly affected by Naxal violence, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Friday approved the commencement of an Integrated Action Plan (IAP) in 60 selected districts. The IAP would be an additional central assistance scheme on a 100 per cent grant basis. It is aimed...
More »India: The fight for disabled children's right to education by Andrew Chambers
Frustrated by the government's attitude to disability, an advocacy movement has sprung up in Madhya Pradesh, central India, fighting for the universal right of all children to attend school 'What are friends for? You listen for us and we'll see for you." The black-and-white photograph beneath the words shows a smiling boy with his arm around his partially sighted classmate. It encapsulates the inclusive education ideal – all children of all...
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