-The Times of India UPA partners Trinamool Congress and DMK rejected Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's appeal to drop their opposition to FDI in retail on Thursday, enhancing the possibility that the government may have to announce that it will not roll out the decision. Although a formal notification to make the Cabinet decision operational has already been put off, the unrelenting opposition from Trinamool and DMK may force the government to put...
Embattled Patel General Stores by Ajit Balakrishnan
The battle for India’s retail market is being fought not just in the halls of Parliament and on the front pages of newspapers but also on the little stretch of road near my home in Mumbai, where Colaba Causeway peters out into Navy Nagar. The outsize name board, “Patel General Stores”, had proudly announced itself for as long as I can remember. Recently, however, I noticed that the board had been...
More »River-bed school lives on edge of the bench
-The Telegraph Stress strikes the pupils of a Murshidabad school every day not because of impenetrable syllabus or unsparing teachers but because they fear the Padma river can rise up and engulf them any minute. All it took for a wave of panic to crash in today was the rattle of tin cans on a truck and an exclamation from a teacher, which triggered a stampede in which 20 children were injured. The...
More »Sad debate on poverty line by Arvind Panagariya
Watching the recent debate on the poverty line has been a depressing experience. As the debate unfolded, we witnessed self-righteous commentators engaged in a game of one-upmanship to prove that no one was more concerned for the poor than they, electronic media failing in its responsibility to inform the public simple facts and the Planning Commission proving itself incapable of communicating in simple terms the rationale behind its proposal either...
More »Grim predictions by G Srinivasan
India ranks a dismal 134 among 187 countries in terms of human development index in the UNDP's latest Human Development Report. Against this bleak backdrop, the bugle of caution is rightly sounded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its latest Human Development Report (HDR), released in Copenhagen on November 2 jointly by Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and UNDP Administrator Helen Clark. As the international community is busy preparing...
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