-Hindustan Times According to the DCP, the other two processions which were carried out on Saturday morning and afternoon in the area had due permission. New Delhi: The Delhi Police on Monday has registered an FIR against the organisers for carrying out a procession without permission in northwest Delhi's Jahangirpuri area, where violent clashes broke out on April 16, and one accused has joined the investigation, said deputy commissioner of police (Northwest)...
SKM appreciate's Supreme Court's decision to cancel the bail of Ashish Mishra, the main accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri incident
-Press release by Samyukta Kisan Morcha dated 18th April, 2022 By canceling the bail of the main accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri murder case, Ashish Mishra alias Monu, the Supreme Court has restored hope in the justice system&NBSp; After this order of the Supreme Court, Ajay Mishra Teni should be immediately sacked from the post of minister, failing which SKM will protest nationwide Justice should be given to the farmers implicated in the...
More »Mandi prices of key rabi crops above MSP on strong demand -Sandip Das
-Financial Express Traders told FE that for mustard, the biggest domestic oilseed variety, prices at Bharatpur mandi, Rajasthan, are currently ruling around Rs 6,800 per quintal against the MSP of Rs 5,050 a quintal, while wheat in Sehore mandi, Madhya Pradesh, is currently being sold at Rs 2,150 a quintal against MSP of Rs 2,015 a quintal. As market arrivals have peaked, mandi prices of key rabi crops — wheat and mustard...
More »WPI inflation rises to 14.55% in March, completes one year in double-digit territory
-MoneyControl.com The rise in wholesale inflation in March to a four-month high comes after data released on April 12 showed the more closely-tracked headline retail inflation rate jumped to a 17-month high of 6.95 percent last month India's inflation based on the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) rose to a four-month high of 14.55 percent in March from 13.11 percent in February, according to data released by the commerce ministry on April 18. The...
More »Do MGNREGA wages need an upward revision? -Parvathi Benu
-The Hindu Business Line This year, the average wage was hiked by a mere 20 paise to Rs.209.05; workers across States say wages are insufficient to meet their needs The annual increase in the average MGNREGA wages has been quite uneven. While the wages increased between 8 to 10 per cent in FY13, FY14 and FY21, the increase was a mere 1.6 per cent in FY20. Annual increases in individual states have been...
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