-The Hindu Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa said on Saturday it was imperative that necessary measures to allay people's fears over the Kundakulam Nuclear Power Project were taken before any precipitate action was embarked upon. In a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, she said she was amazed to see in the media that at a joint press conference with the Russian President he had announced that the KKNPP would be “operationalised...
What’s Ailing RTI? by Shonali Ghosal
THE MERE suggestion of any amendment to the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, sends civil society into a tizzy. Perhaps this level of anxiety is necessary to protect the common man’s most important tool to hold the government accountable. But what if the RTI is dying, not because of government intervention but negligence? The pendency of complaints and appeals in several states is on the rise, while the number of...
More »Anti-pentavalent lobby raises pitch
-The Hindu Raising concerns at the introduction of pentavalent vaccine in the universal immunisation programme in Tamil Nadu on a pilot basis, Makkal Nalavazhvu Iyakkam (MNI), Tamil Nadu chapter of Jan Swasthya Abhiyan, has urged the Centre to reconsider its decision and asked the State government to put the introduction of the new vaccine on hold. In a statement issued here on Thursday, the MNI said that mere technological solutions without the...
More »Tamil Nadu’s laptop distribution scheme hit by delays by Surabhi Agarwal & Vidya Padmanabhan
Tamil Nadu’s free laptop distribution scheme, involving what is said to be the largest government order for computing equipment in India, hangs in the balance as all but one vendor, hit by the hard disk shortage created by recent floods in Thailand, have refused to sign on to the state administration’s delivery schedule. “Out of six vendors only one has signed an agreement and we have given a purchase order,” an...
More »States told to guarantee night-shelters for homeless
-The Hindu Not a single person should die this winter from the freezing cold: Supreme Court Expressing concern over the lot of homeless persons during the winter, the Supreme Court on Monday directed Delhi and other States to ensure that adequate shelters were provided for night stay. The Bench observed that not a single person must be allowed to die from having to sleep on the pavement in the freezing cold. A Bench...
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