Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Tuesday said he was aware of the "nervousness in the corporate sector" over phone tapping and asked cabinet secretary KM Chandrasekhar to look into the matter and submit a report within a month. "I am aware of the nervousness in the corporate sector arising out of the powers conferred upon the government authorities to tap the phones for protecting national security and preventing tax evasion and money...
Prashant Bhushan, senior lawyer interviewed by Sheela Bhatt
Since the last few years, Prashan Bhushan, senior lawyer, has fired up the Indian political scene through his missionary legal practice.In the legal fraternity he is a loner because he is, always, on the wrong side of the power set up in New Delhi. In fact, when one meets the slow and soft-speaker, he hardly looks like a lawyer who is capable of shaking-up the government and its cronies.But, his...
More »CM’s dream: Bihar food on all platters
Chief minister Nitish Kumar dreams big. His latest wish is to boost the agricultural output of the state to such an extent that every person in this nation has at least one food item from Bihar on his or her platter.“I want to take Bihar to the pinnacle. I dream of a day when every people in this nation will have at least one food item in their dish or...
More »Raman govt attacked for mining scam by Supriya Sharma
The case of Pushp Steel and Mines reverberated in Chhattisgarh assembly, as the congress party attacked Chief Minister Raman Singh, asking him to divulge the name of the owner of the dubious firm that had been granted coveted mining rights in the state in violation of rules. The congress alleged the firm is covertly owned by a senior BJP leader. The persistent uproar finally led the speaker to adjourn the...
More »Consider concerns over Jaitapur nuclear project: CPI
The Communist Party of India on Wednesday asked the Centre to take into account public demonstrations in Maharashtra against the setting up of nuclear power plants there and raised environmental issues connected with the Jaitapur project.It urged the government to make public the contract signed between French and Indian nuclear power companies.Demanding that the government review the environmental clearance to the Jaitapur plant, the CPI also flagged issues of public...
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