In a shocking incident, a “pradhan” (village panchayat chief) and his supporters allegedly stuffed human excreta into the mouth of a Dalit youth in Uttar Pradesh’s Lalitpur district. According to a complaint registered with the police, the culprits, residents of Mailwara Khurd village in the district, also thrashed the youth and threatened him with dire consequences if he dared to approach the police. Police sources said that the youth had approached Chaliraja,...
Green bench rejects Posco’s Orissa project-Jacob P Koshy & Ruchira Singh
South Korean steel maker Posco may have to start its bid to enter India from scratch, letting six years of preparatory work go to waste. A top tribunal has cancelled environmental approvals given by the government last year for the company’s $12 billion (around Rs61,440 crore today) steel plant in Orissa and ordered that the environment ministry review the entire project afresh. The tribunal said environmental clearances have been accorded in...
More »Activists see red over Maharashtra govt move to amend RTI rules by Ashutosh Shukla
As more and more scams come tumbling out of the closet by the day, courtesy the Right to Information (RTI), the Maharashtra government has made a move to amend RTI rules. As per a notification, dated January 16, which is floating around on emails, an applicant can ask questions only on a single subject matter and his application cannot exceed 150 words. Besides, during inspection, a person can carry only a...
More »Anna’s top man in Mumbai floated NGO to help builder-Yogesh Sadhwani
E-mail circulated by an RTI activist alleges irregularities in the Chira Bazaar cluster development project On Sunday, when Anna Hazare sounded the war cry against the government with a day-long fast in Delhi, the India Against Corruption cadres in Mumbai were battling a crisis that can severely dent the reputation of one of Anna’s top aides. On the radar is Mayank Gandhi, the face of the India Against Corruption movement in Mumbai;...
More »Waiver of land revenue collection a breather for drought-hit farmers
-The Hindu Repayment of all cooperative crop loans to be staggered The State government on Tuesday announced in the Legislative Assembly that there would be waiver of land revenue collection in all the 123 drought-hit taluks encompassing 24 districts of the State, with immediate effect. Chief Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda, replying to a discussion (initially sought to be taken up as an adjournment motion) on the drought which was brought on by deficient...
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