The Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY), under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, has been launched for slum dwellers and the Urban poor on the lines of the Indira Awas Yojana for the rural poor. RAY is a right-based, reform-driven programme under the Jawaharlal National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). It has been launched with the aim of creating a slum-free India by providing affordable housing for slum dwellers. A Guwahati...
Food Security: Messy Jam, But Here’s a Map by Ashok Gulati
Ensuring food security to all is one of India’s top policy agendas today. Given a large mass of poverty in the country, it is not surprising and no one would perhaps disagree with the need to achieve this as soon as possible. But the varied policy instruments that can be used towards achieving this goal draw sharp differences among the stakeholders. What is food security? The World Food Summit of 1996...
More »Teaching the generations by Yoginder K Alagh
Being asked to write on Suresh Tendulkar means that the memories of four tumultuous decades crowd in. They are memories of a genuine teacher, a very careful researcher and an obstinately independent western Indian in Delhi. I always thought of him as a very competent and highly trained economist — but also as an obstinately autonomous Maratha in unfamiliar surroundings. In the 1970s, while examining critiques of the draft Fifth Five-Year...
More »Is there a ban on reporting bad news from India? by Andrew Buncombe
It was the writer and activist Arundhati Roy who set foreign journalists in India busily chattering recently. In an interview with Stephen Moss in the Guardian, Ms Roy was discussing the Maoist and Adavasi “resistance” to encroachment on tribal lands. Mr Moss, asked her why, “we in the West don’t hear about these mini-wars?”. Ms Roy replied: “I have been told quite openly by several correspondents of international newspapers, that...
More »Melanie Galvin, regional director, Asia, Micronutrient India, interviewed by Meenakshi Kumar
Iodine deficiency disorders have long been a major health problem in the developing world. India has accepted iodine deficiency as a national public health problem. Micronutrient India (MI), a not-for-profit organization, is working with the government to ensure India achieves 100% Universal Salt Iodisation by 2012. Melanie Galvin , regional director, Asia, MI, spoke to Meenakshi Kumar : What does Micronutrient India do? Micronutrient India works in the production area of iodised...
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