-The Hindu Business Line CM writes to Modi, submits memorandum Chennai: The Tamil Nadu government has urged the Centre to sanction ?39,565 crore from the National Disaster Response Fund, and to release immediately Rs. 1,000 crore ‘on account’ to take up drought mitigation work in the state. The state was hit by heavy floods in December 2015 and by Cyclone Vardah in December 2016. The State Disaster Response Fund is not sufficient to...
Amartya Sen, Nobel Laureate and economist, speaks to Suvojit Bagchi (The Hindu)
-The Hindu The truth may ultimately prevail about demonetisation, but the government might be able to maintain the loyalty of a large part of the public for a long time, says Amartya Sen More than two months after the demonetisation, Nobel Laureate and economist Amartya Sen says that any proper “economic reasoning could not have sensibly led to such a ham-handed policy.” He predicts that the demonetisation will hit the economy quite...
More »'Have money, can't lend!' -TCA Sharad Raghavan
-The Hindu The ongoing repercussions of the government’s decision to demonetise high-value currency notes are being felt in particular by cash-intensive sectors such as the microfinance industry, according to microfinance company Satin Creditcare. “It’s been a pretty tough time (post demonetisation),” H.P. Singh, chairman and managing director of Satin Creditcare, said in an interview. “The cash supply position has been very bad in the northern states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab… in both...
More »Aadhaar must for MGNREGS work
-The Hindu Other proofs of identity will be allowed till March 31 New Delhi: From April 1, Workers in rural areas enrolled under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), which mandates 100 days of work for a household a year, must have an Aadhaar card. Those who have registered under the scheme will be required to give furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar or undergo the enrolment process till March...
More »Punjab farmers plagued by pests and payment crunch -Aesha Datta
-The Hindu Business Line Sangrur and Samrala: In normal times, the grain mandi of Samrala is abuzz with the hum of agrarian commerce. These days, however, it lies virtually vacant, with only a handful of farmers coming to sell their produce. Joginder Singh Sahni says that usually the mandi is full of wheat and rice farmers selling their goods. Commission agents and other links on the commercial chain add to the...
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