-The Hindu The ongoing peaceful protest against the Kudankulam nuclear power plant (KKNPP), which began in the early 1980s intensified after the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. The protests revolve around fears over public safety and health arising from the existence and operation of the nuclear facility. The protesters, the men, women and children of Idinthakarai and surrounding villages, have consistently demanded transparency and honest public consultation. They do not need high...
Built-in violence -TK Rajalakshmi
-The Hindu Stereotypical government policies and global approaches persist in family planning programmes. Urmila is a 40-year-old domestic worker in western Uttar Pradesh. The mother of six children, all girls, she is now pregnant again and is keen on carrying on with the pregnancy. Her husband is unemployed and is an alcoholic. His relatives have assured her that they will help her to bring up the child and have also hinted...
More »At health centres, moms miss human touch -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph In a primary health centre in eastern Jharkhand, the angry shouts of a nurse punctuated the occasional wails of a woman in her early-20s who was in labour pain and only minutes away from delivering her baby. Each time a uterine contraction evoked a yell or a wail or the woman sought a more comfortable position during labour, the nurse or other health workers admonished her, asking her to shut...
More »The vagina monologue -Vaishna Roy
-The Hindu In a society where self-worth is increasingly equated with sexual attractiveness, there are plenty of products that target both men and women. So why whine about the 18 Again ad? VAISHNA ROY I remember an old issue of MAD in which Dave Berg imagined a society where the nose defined sexuality. It had a hilarious sketch of a woman on a beach with a strip of cloth coyly covering her...
More »India aims to cap fertility rate at 2.1 by 2017-Mahendra Kumar Singh
-The Times of India India aims to meet the much-awaited goal of reaching the total fertility rate(TFR) — the average number of children born to a woman —to 2.1% by the end of 12th five year plan (2012-17). The Planning Commission is likely to set the TFR target of 2.1 in its 12th Plan document, which is likely to be cleared by National Development Council (NDC) in October. "India is on...
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