-The Hindu In a fresh move to resolve the deadlock over the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNNP), Chief Minister Jayalalithaa announced in the Assembly on Saturday that the State government will constitute a panel of experts immediately to go into the safety system of the proposed plant and “perceptions and apprehensions” of the local population. The panel would submit its report to the government at the earliest, on the basis of which...
Andhra uranium mine set to fuel nuclear power output to 7-year high by Anil Sasi
At a time when coal and gas shortages have crippled operations at most of India’s thermal stations, a boost in nuclear fuel is set to take atomic power generation to a seven-year record next fiscal. With supplies from a new uranium mine and processing facility at Tummalapalle in Andhra Pradesh set to commence later this year, the capacity factor of the 20 operational nuclear reactors, adding up to an installed capacity...
More »Fukushima: Fear Only The Irrational by Nathan Myhrvold
It would be grave folly to recoil from the N-option, our safest Nuclear Is Clear The world needs cheap energy and, as of now, nuclear plants are the most efficient means to that end Switching to fossil fuel sources will add to global warming. In extremis, the oceans could boil away. The lesson from Fukushima is no worse than that tsunamis are a danger to everything in their path *** After the...
More »Low score on N-security by GS Mudur
A non-government assessment has ranked India third from the bottom among the world’s nine nuclear armed states in its ability to secure nuclear materials from theft, with only Pakistan and North Korea with lower scores. The nuclear materials security index, released by the US-based non-profit Nuclear Threat Initiative (NIT) yesterday, is described as “the first, public baseline assessment of the status of nuclear materials security conditions” worldwide. A panel of nuclear and...
More »Nothing short of closure of nuclear plant will do: protesters
-The Hindu Members quite satisfied with Chief Minister's stand on the issue Sticking to the position that nothing short of closure of the Nuclear Power Plants in Kudankulam would satisfy them, members of the People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) on Monday announced a series of protests in January to highlight their demand. Talking to reporters, S.P. Udayakumar, Co-ordinator of the PMANE, said on January 14, the day of Bhogi, villagers in Kudankulam...
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