Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda on Monday announced during the Budget Session that his Government was working to enact a law safeguarding the rights of the Scheduled Tribes on their ancestral land and property. Munda added that recommendations of a sub-committee of the Tribal Advisory Committee would be taken under consideration before any such exercise. Replying to a question of raised by AJSU MLA KK Bhagat, in which he raised the issue...
Ashish Bose, veteran demographer interviewed by Sreelatha Menon
Ashish Bose is a veteran demographer whose expertise in analysing population data persuaded the former Prime Minister, the late Rajiv Gandhi to make him an advisor on issues ranging from urbanisation to poverty alleviation. He is best known for coining the term Bimaru (shorthand for Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh) for states with the worst socio-economic indicators. An author of 24 books, he is now working on a...
More »Wage rate under MGNREGA revised-K Balchand
The Centre on Monday revised the wage rate under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and has decided to amend the Act to remove the existing disparity in minimum wage, even as the matter is scheduled to come up before the Supreme Court on April 9. The revision in the wage rate indexed to the Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labour (CPIAL) will come into effect on April 1...
More »Displaced tribals march for their rights
-The Deccan Herald Cover eight states, hold meetings in 87 villages Rights groups released a report here demanding the implementation of Panchayats (Extention to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA) and rights of the tribals in India. The recommendations were based on the 39 days of foot march conducted by the Adivasi Janjati Adhikar Manch (AJAM), supported by ActionAid. The primary demand put forth by the tribals was implementation of PESA in Forest Rights Act, 2006...
More »New poverty estimate soon-Richard Mahapatra
But will it reflect true level of poverty in the country? India's poverty line has hit the headlines again. In the past six months this is for the second time that the government has tried to bring out a poverty line. Like the poverty line in September last year, the new poverty line has also triggered widespread dissent and debate. In an action replay, this time also the government almost junked...
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