-The Times of India Union rural development minister Jairam Ramesh found an occasion for Modi-bashing at the release of UNDP's Human Development Index report, 2011, on Wednesday, saying there had been "retrogression" in social development indices in Narendra Modi-ruled Gujarat. He also blamed the US for being the biggest contributor to non-sustainability, and slammed India for being 'hell-bent' on following the American model of development. Speaking on the linkage between growth and development,...
Gender bias: Only Afghanistan fares worse than India in South Asia by Rukmini Shrinivasan
India's abysmal gender inequality statistics seem to have taken a turn for the worse. New data shows the country's Gender Inequality Index (GII) worsened between 2008 and 2011, and India now ranks 129 out of 146 countries on the GII, better only than Afghanistan in south Asia. On the Human Development Index (HDI), India ranks 134 out of 187 countries. When inequality is factored in, it experiences a 30% drop in...
More »We've to make 1.2 billion count
-The Hindustan Times Where was the seventh billionth baby born on Monday? While Uttar Pradesh seems to have been the destination of choice for the new arrival into this world, the Philippines also staked a claim. Notwithsta-nding the celebrations, there are enough reasons to worry because a growing population means more pressure on the world's stretched resources. For India and its galloping population, the future is much more challenging: while we...
More »BASIC countries to frame common position on Kyoto protocol
—PTI The Environment Ministers of BASIC countries — Brazil, South Africa, India and China — will frame a common position ahead of the crucial Durban climate conference due next month on several issues including the second commitment period of Kyoto protocol. Environment Minister Jayanthi Natarajan will visit Beijing on Monday to attend the ninth meeting of BASIC countries. It is mainly for preparing the negotiations for the United Nations Framework Convention on...
More »Climate change talks-Dilemma in Durban by Uday Abhyankar
Climate change negotiations are with us again, this time in Durban following the high-level meetings in Cancun (2010) and Copenhagen (2009). The aim is to agree on a regime to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (particularly CO2) post-2012, when the present commitments under the Kyoto Protocol run out. Climate change and global warming are important issues for India. Agriculture, which provides a livelihood for two-thirds of our population, is heavily dependent on...
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