Days after chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy wished to see every police station in the state work like a corporate office and the complainant received warmly, a Right to Information (RTI) activist on Friday was nearly subjected to the third degree treatment by inspector K Srinivas Rao after he walked into Kukatpally police station, and only timely intervention by higher-ups saved him from being arrested and slapped with false cases....
Dial helpline for land-grab cases
-The Telegraph Dispur will step up its fight against Land grabbers in the city with chief minister Tarun Gogoi making it his government’s top priority for 2012 and the Kamrup metro administration activating a helpline from tomorrow to make itself directly accessible to victims. Gogoi, in his third term as chief minister, today said Dispur would lay “special focus” on implementing the Assam Land grabbing (Prohibition) Act, 2010, because the problem is...
More »Consistent failure by all depts: CAG slams govt over Adarsh
-Express News Service Branding the Adarsh scam a “classic example of the fence eating the crops” and “how a select and powerful elite could collude to subvert rules and regulations for personal benefit” , the Comptroller and Auditor General has slammed the government and officials in its audit of the Adarsh Cooperative Housing Society. The report, that was tabled in the Assembly on Friday, called the entire Adarsh episode a remarkable case...
More »State govt aided Adarsh scam: CAG by Sandeep Ashar
The state government has been blamed for actively aiding and abetting the Adarsh housing society scam, in a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, which was tabled in the legislative assembly on Friday. Accusing the state machinery of overlooking subversion of rules and regulations by the society and granting unreasonable concessions, the CAG has termed the scam as a "failure in governance at all levels". Many officers,...
More »Another UP minister sacked over corruption charges by Ashish Tripathi
-The Times of India Ambedkar Village development minister Ratan Lal Aheerwar has resigned after being indicted by UP Lokayukta of corruption. He was found prima facie guilty of Land grabbing and misuse of MLA fund and Bundelkhand development fund. Aheerwal is the fifth UP minister who had to resign after being indicted by Lokayukta in last one year. Panchayati Raj minister and BSP state president Swami Prasad Maurya has been handed over...
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