At a time when rice smuggling has become a political issue in Tamil Nadu, the civil supplies department's reply to an application under the Right To Information (RTI) Act reveals that as many as 20,775 tonnes of rice worth Rs 11.73 crore were seized in anti-smuggling operations in the state in last three years. The department also said that 5,152 persons were Arrested in three years for smuggling rice meant to...
Dangerous to know: India's Right to Information Act by Rupam Jain Nair
Soon after he exposed how bricks were bought for six times their value for roads that were never built in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, Amarnath Pandey was shot near his home. The bullet, which he believes was fired by contractors who were benefiting from the brick scam, clipped his ear and grazed his skull, leaving him in hospital for weeks. Pandey, 56, a doctor from Robertsganj, a sleepy city...
More »India's perilous road to transparency by Soutik Biswas
Asking questions can cost your life in India - even if the right to solicit information is protected by law. Amar Nath Deo Pandey is luckier - in less than a week, he appears to have escaped two attempts on his life in a nondescript town in India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh. More than five years after the introduction of a landmark law that allows Indians to access information held by...
More »MGNREGA wages not paid in Sikkim
The villagers under Luing Perbing Gram Panchayat have complained of non-payment of wages under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act for the past three months. The villagers have complained to the local media that the payment of the wages have been entrusted to a company “Calance”, which has failed to pay more than 200 workers since December. The villagers have also accused the company of not returning their bank cards that...
More »Posco: villagers to intensify stir by Prafulla Das
Tension prevailed in the area selected for the proposed mega steel plant of Posco in Orissa's Jagatsinghpur district on Sunday as villagers opposing the project came out to vent their anger against the State government for trying to mislead the Union Ministry of Environment Forests about the implementation of the Forest Rights Act in their locality. Participating in a public rally at Balitutha, the entry point to the Site, demarcated for...
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