Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Wednesday submitted the Working Group on Agriculture Production report to Indian Prime Minister in New Delhi. It is to mention that Indian Prime Minster on April 8, 2010 constituted the Working Group on Agriculture Production under the chairmanship of the Haryana Chief Minister, Bhupinder Singh Hooda and the Chief Ministers of Punjab, Bihar and West Bengal as members to recommend strategies and action plan...
Inflation declines sharply on easing food prices
Continuing with its trend towards moderation, inflation declined to 7.48 per cent in November, mainly boosted by lowering of pressure on certain food items.Inflation had stood at 8.58 per cent in October. It was 4.50 per cent in November 2009. For September this year, the inflation figure has been revised upwards to 8.93 per cent from the provisional number of 8.62 per cent.This is the fourth consecutive month when the...
More »Soaring Vegetable prices to make undhiyu less palatable by Ankita Pathak
Planning to call over friends and relatives this Uttarayan for the undhiyu treat? Then, watch out, for, your budget may go haywire if you have not factored in the price rise.Onion prices aren't the only one making Amdavadis cry. Vegetable prices in general seem to make the Amdavadi very emotional as he watches his wallet being ripped apart.The soaring Vegetable prices have sent household budgets haywire.Undhiyu, one of the popular...
More »A yawning gap by Sanjeeb Mukherjee
From the time a farmer in India harvests his produce to the time it lands on your plate, farm products go through several layers of middlemen, wholesalers, cold chains and other intermediaries, which push its price up by many notches. The end result: growers get paid less and consumers pay more. The stranglehold that the government has over agriculture produce marketing in India has given rise to abject inefficiencies, lack...
More »Why microfinance is not half the villain it seems to be by R Jagannathan
A man, crawling on all fours, is searching for something under a tree on a hot summer’s day. A curious passerby stops and asks: “What are you looking for?” The man replies: “I’ve lost my watch.” The passerby asks: “Are you sure it fell near this tree?” The answer: “It’s cooler looking in the shade”.Governments work something like this. They do what they think is easier to do rather than...
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