The Central Bureau of Investigation Arrested four persons from the Goaltore area of West Bengal's Paschim Medinipur district late on Sunday for their alleged involvement in the killing of nine residents of Netai village in a firing incident on January 7. These are the first Arrests made by the CBI after it took over the case from the State's Criminal Investigation Department on February 22 acting on a Calcutta High Court...
Sharmila resumes fast after release by Iboyaima Laithangbam
Irom Sharmila, who has been on a fast unto death since November 2000 demanding the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, is continuing her fast, to the chagrin of the government, even after her release on Thursday. Detained on the charge of attempting suicide, she can be legally held only for one year at a stretch and has, since 2000, been ritually released on the completion of each...
More »Justice for Niyamat Ansari
We condemn in the strongest possible terms the recent murder of NREGA activist Niyamat Ansari in Kope Gram Panchayat (Latehar District, Jharkhand), as well as a similar attempt — the same day — on the life of his associate Bhukhan Singh. Briefly, this murder was the culmination of a series of acts of harassment, including at least one earlier attempt on Bhukhan and Niyamat's lives. Bhukhan and Niyamat fearlessly continued to...
More »Report sent to Centre on Ansari killing by Manohar Lal
The Latehar district administration has sent a report to the Union home ministry, highlighting the possible reason of the murder of MGNREGA activist Niyamat Ansari. Ansari, a social activist and an associate of socio-economist Jean Dreze, was beaten up by an armed group of Maoists and members of Van Raksha Samiti on the night of March 2 after he was dragged out of his house at Jerua village in Manika block...
More »United action by TK Rajalakshmi
Trade unions of all hues join forces in an unprecedented manner and present a charter of demands to the government. IN a rare show of unity, and for the first time since Independence, around one lakh workers affiliated to eight central trade unions and national industrial federations, including the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) and the trade unions of the Left parties, came out on the streets of New...
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