-The Hindu Kudankulam and the surrounding areas remained tense on an incident-free Tuesday, after Monday’s violent happenings. Villages in a radius of 25 km, including Anjugramam, Chettikulam, Sree Renganarayanapuram, Levenchipuram, Viswanathapuram, Kudankulam and Idinthakarai, wore a deserted look after the suspension of Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation bus services. People confined themselves to their homes as the tense situation continued to prevail in and around Kudankulam. According to official sources, the TNSTC...
National scheme for free medicines for all sought
-The Hindu The Jan Swasthya Abhiyan on Monday called upon the Union Government to extend free medicine supply scheme, presently operational in a few States like Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, all over the country to reduce out-of-pocket expenditure of common people on health care. Such a scheme would especially benefit the patients deprived of any kind of treatment due to poverty. In a letter addressed to Union Health & Family Welfare Secretary...
More »Father of White Revolution V Kurien Dead
-Outlook The father of India's 'white revolution' Dr Verghese Kurien passed away early this morning at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital in neighbouring Nadiad town due to age-related problems, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) sources said. He was 90 years old and is survived by wife and daughter. Kurien, who took India from being a milk-deficient country to the world's largest milk producer, is recognized as the father of white revolution and the...
More »Dengue: PIL plea against West Bengal govt. -Shiv Sahay Singh
-The Hindu High Court directs filing of affidavit on measures taken Admitting a public interest litigation petition, the Calcutta High Court on Friday directed the West Bengal government to file an affidavit within two weeks on the measures it has taken to prevent the outbreak of dengue in the State. The petition, filed by advocate Basabi Roy Chowdhury earlier this week, called for a proper policy for monitoring and controlling the disease and...
More »Encephalitis claims five more lives
-PTI Gorakhpur: Five more persons have succumbed to encephalitis, taking the toll in the viral disease in eastern Uttar Pradesh to 263 this year. The five patients, mostly children, died yesterday, officials said today. Additional Director (health) Diwakar Prasad said that a total of 1,524 patients were admitted to BRD MCH and other government Hospitals of the region, of which 263 died. At present, over 260 patients are being treated in these Hospitals, he...
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