-The Hindu New Delhi: Against the backdrop of increasing violence against women and children across the country, the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development had launched the ‘Ahimsa Messenger' Programme in last August to address the critical issue at the grass roots level through creating numerous Ahimsa Messengers. The messengers would be generating awareness on basic legal rights, procedures and provisions amongst women and children; they would also serve as link...
SC/STs ahead of rest in child sex ratio
-The Times of India Latest census data on scheduled castes and tribes shows that the trend of STs having the best sex ratios, and SCs too doing better than the non-SC/ST population continues to hold good. The trend suggests that 'backwardness' may actually work in favour of gender justice, presumably by denying access to sex determination techniques. Detailed data on SCs and STs from the 2011 census, released on Monday, showed that...
More »India’s weight of the world moment -Vani S Kulkarni, Veena S Kulkarni and Raghav Gaiha
-The Hindu As the country develops economically, its double burden of malnutrition and its health implications will increasingly affect women and those who are socio-economically weak India has one of the highest burdens of underweight women in the world, with rising obesity levels. Using the World Health Organisation classification based on body mass index, or BMI (the ratio of the weight of the body in kilograms to the square of its height...
More »Women prefer to suffer in silence -Marri Ramu
-The Hindu Women subjected to sexual harassment - on the roads, bus-stops or workplaces - in the form lewd comments or stalking, is a well known fact but what is lesser known is that many cases go unreported Hyderabad: Women subjected to sexual harassment - on the roads, bus-stops or workplaces - in the form lewd comments or stalking, is a well known fact but what is lesser known is that many...
More »With the PDS gambit, Raman Singh hopes to checkmate Congress-Gargi Parsai
-The Hindu BJP Chief Minister Raman Singh is the face of the reformed public distribution system in Chhattisgarh and indeed, he is still banking on it for a third consecutive term despite the anti-incumbency factor against several MLAs and a few ministers in his council. In his recent vikas yatra, he showcased development and focussed on the path-breaking Public Distribution System (PDS) reforms that were dovetailed into the Chhattisgarh Food Security Act...
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