The Centre has cleared proposals for rural roads worth Rs 4,440 crore which includes areas in Orissa reeling under Left-wing influence. Union rural development minister C P Joshi told reporters on Wednesday that the empowered committee for Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) approved the proposals, taking the total approved projects under Bharat Nirman and PMGSY to Rs 40,000 crore. He said projects worth Rs 236 were cleared for Orissa...
Poor Performance by SL Rao
India is incredible (after shining), with the fastest growth rate, an emerging demographic dividend and innovative brains for the globe. But the vast majority in rural India — employed in agriculture, small-scale and tiny industries, self-employed, and with no assets — does not find it so. This government, claiming inclusive growth for the grossly deprived and poor, has not taken actions to bring down prices of essential food items, unprecedented...
More »Poverty alleviation: Government to launch plan
The National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) will be implemented in the state soon. This was decided at a highlevel meeting presided over by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik here today. The NRLM aims at addressing poverty and alleviating rural poverty by 2015. The scheme also targets to cover 50 percent of the rural households by self help groups (SHGs) during the next three years. The newly launched central programme will be executed in...
More »Poverty-removal plan gets Govt nod
The Union Cabinet on Thursday approved a Rural Development Ministry proposal to launch the National Rural Livelihood Mission that aims to reduce poverty in a time-bound manner through provision of diversified employment opportunities and skill development. The proposal for the big-ticket development mission was earlier approved by the Expenditure Finance Commi-ttee and was taken up by the Cabinet Committee on Eco-nomic Affairs for clearance in a meeting on Thursday even-ing....
More »Self-employment scheme to become livelihood mission
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) Thursday approved the restructuring of a centrally-sponsored rural self-emeployment scheme as a National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) given past experiences, shortcomings pointed out by research studies and recommendations by various committees. Home Minister P. Chidmabaram said that NRLM will function in a mission mode for target-based delivery of outcomes. It will follow a demand driven approach which would allow the states to formulate...
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