Union rural development minister Jairam Ramesh will visit Jungle Mahal on Saturday and meet Mamata Banerjee in Calcutta on Sunday to finalise a development package for the Maoist zone. The idea is to take up Jungle Mahal as a test case for the two-pronged approach of development and police action to rein in the rebels. The state government recently decided to resume counter-Maoist operations in the region. Ramesh will visit West Midnapore...
UP is home to people with dangerously wide gaps in skills, income and caste by Saurabh Johri
If Uttar Pradesh was to be declared a separate country today, it would be the sixth-largest nation. With a total population at par with Brazil, population density comparable to that of the UK and per-capita income similar to Kenya's, it indicates the paradox of its citizen occupying the same space as his Latin and UK counterparts, yet living in conditions similar to those in Africa. Setting this hypothesis aside, let us...
More »Brand Bihar shines, migration figures drop by Sonal Joshi
A sudden spurt in employment opportunities in Bihar is posing a peculiar problem for the rest of the country. More than 50 per cent of Bihar's labour force which usually migrates to other states is choosing to stay back for jobs. Till a few years back, Ram Vilas worked as Construction labour in Delhi. With Bihar's economy looking up, Vilas has returned to the pavilion, armed with a job in hand. "I...
More »States in India: Governance holds key, size is only secondary by Subodh Varma
Are smaller states easier to govern and hence better for the people? The most recent reorganization took place in November 2000 when three mega states - Uttar Pradesh,Bihar and Madhya Pradesh - were sliced up to give birth to Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, respectively. It is more than a decade since then. The new states are now well-established. But, how are they faring compared to the 'mother' states? Has the...
More »Stunted growth by Vikhar Ahmed Sayeed
Child malnutrition in Gulbarga and Bijapur districts is a blot on Karnataka's image. Ba Ba Basavanna Anganwadi Hogona Avarekaalu Tinnona Ah, Aaa, Ee, Eee, Bariyona Mane Kadege Hogona (Come, Come, Basavanna Let's go to the anganwadi Let us eat beans And write A, B, C, D, And head towards home.) As Savitri Nimbad sings this ditty, the more than 20 children seated in a circle around her repeat each line in shrill voices. Almost all of them are between three and...
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