-Hindustan Times After Tamil Nadu’s pioneering Amma canteens, many states have started community kitchens, such as Karnataka’s Indira Canteens. This is a welcome development. The first coverage of the recently inaugurated “Indira canteens” in Karnataka that I noticed were two reports on television channels. Both were poking fun (justifiably) at Rahul Gandhi’s goofy speech at the launch. Sadly though, neither commented on the rationale or importance of the Karnataka government’s initiative. This...
Despite RERA, Centre and states not doing enough to protect home buyers -Manish
-Hindustan Times The central government has extolled RERA as a panacea for exploitation of home buyers with the establishment of an independent authority in each state. But its own actions in the Capital reflect poorly on the objective The Real Estate (Regulation) Act, 2016, the flagship legislation to protect home buyers, has come into force, but its implementation on the ground continues to lag, with the central and state governments equally lax...
More »PDS focus should be on people, not fingerprints -Geetanjali Krishna
-Business Standard For those whose fingerprints don't match, life becomes 'imPoS-able' New Delhi: In certain circles of Jharkhand, a newly-minted term has become the source of heartburn and more — PoS-able. It refers to whether or not one’s fingerprints match on the PoS (point of sale) biometric readers in ration shops. Those whose fingerprints match, access their allotted ration. For those whose fingerprints don’t match, life becomes ‘imPoS-able’. According to an ongoing...
More »poor analysis, wrong conclusions in recent research paper, claims a group of scientists -MT Saju
-The Times of India CHENNAI: Irked by an attempt to link extreme temperature and farmer suicides in a recent paper, published by the PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the United States) titled "Climate change and agricultural suicides in India" which claimed that 'temperature during India's main agricultural growing season has a strong positive effect on annual suicide rates, a group of scientists has issued a joint-press release questioning...
More »Uttar Pradesh among top 5 encephalitis prone states, suggests official data
When more than 30 children died in Baba Raghav Das (BRD) Medical College due to Japanese Encephalitis (JE) and Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) between 10th and 12th of August this year, it became a sensational news item for the Indian media. However, one cannot assume that the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath did not know that several districts of his state, including Gorakhpur were among the JE/ AES...
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