In Maharashtra’s drought-hit Satara district, a cattle camp has come to the rescue of women and their cattle, writes Sameena Dalwai. Mann taluka in Satara district is ground zero for the drought now ravaging interior Maharashtra. The only cattle camp in the vicinity, being run by the Mann Deshi Mahila Bank and Foundation, provides a snap distress. This region, known as ‘Manndesh’ in Marathi folklore, falls in the rain shadow area...
Action against violation of moratorium on debt relief
-The Hindu Moratorium to be in place till December 31, 2012 The government has decided to initiate legal action against Cooperative banks and financial institutions violating the moratorium on debt relief for fish workers. Meeting Minister for Fisheries K. Babu announced this after a meeting with Minister for Cooperation C.N. Balakrishnan and chairman of the Debt Relief Commission for fish workers M.R. Hariharan Nair here on Sunday. Mr. Babu said the moratorium would remain in...
More »Banks' inspection reports to come under RTI: Central Information Commission-Neha Shukla
LUCKNOW: In a significant order passed by the Central Information Commission, inspection reports of banks can be disclosed under the RTIAct. And, the Reserve Bank of India cannot deny disclosing the report stating that it can have ill-effects on the economy. The CIC's order came in a case pertaining to Kanpur-based United Mercantile Cooperative Bank Ltd. in its order, the CIC stated that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) should disclose...
More »Govt to amend law so RBI can sell 1% stake in Nabard-Remya Nair
Central bank sold its majority stake in Oct 2010; change will ensure entire equity is held by the govt The government will amend a law governing the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) to allow the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to sell its 1% stake in the development lender. The central bank sold its majority stake in the lender to the government in October 2010. The government owns 99%...
More »Financial Inclusion: The overzealous state is smothering the agenda-MS Sriram
It would be great if the enthusiasm on the financial inclusion agenda gets a pause from the frantic do-gooders . Too many people appear to be enthusiastic about serving the poor - and the kindness is killing. Back in 1956, we discovered that cooperatives were a great instrument to reach out to the poor. These were peoples' institutions, local and would be responsive to the problems of their members. A set of...
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