-The Hindu Chennai: In a fresh bid to widen access to low-cost quality food, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has ordered opening of 360 more "Amma Unavagams," the popular eateries, across Tamil Nadu. Among them 200 eateries would be set up in the Chennai Corporation limits. With this, the State would soon have 654 such canteens serving quality food at affordable rates. In expanding this welfare scheme which benefits the poor, daily wage earners,...
Medical Negligence and Compensation in India: How Much is Just and Effective? -Anurag K Agarwal
-IIM Ahmedabad There is no denying the fact that human life is precious and in cases of medical negligence, the judges find it extremely difficult to decide on the quantum of compensation as the quantum is highly subjective in nature, and despite the best efforts of the legislature to enact certain laws which can somehow provide a framework for arriving at a quantum, and also interpretation by the judiciary for so...
More »A scheme yet to find its healing touch -Aamir Khan & Tabassum Barnagarwala
-The Indian Express Mumbai: It's been eight months since the state government launched ‘Manodhairya Yojana', a scheme to provide monetary relief and rehabilitation for rape and acid attack victims, including women and children. But with little advocacy, lack of counsellors in civic-run hospitals, poor post-trauma support as mandated by the scheme, and most importantly, policy apathy, ‘Manodhairya' risks being a laudable scheme just on paper. AAMIR KHAN and TABASSUM BARNAGARWALA speak...
More »Chasing the Certificate That Enables
-Economic and Political Weekly Disabled citizens face a traumatic time procuring the crucial disability certificate. Among the tasks that fill most Indians with dread is the act of procuring the all-important identity and eligibility documents so dear to the Indian bureaucracy. Imagine the plight of disabled citizens for whom getting a disability certificate that officially recognises their disability and medically ranks it in percentage terms has long been a nightmarish experience. Yet,...
More »Delivering safety -Kundan Pandey
-Down to Earth All safe motherhood programmes of the government are focused on institutional deliveries, but health centres are in disarray. Experts suggest ways to reduce deaths during delivery Lal Mohan, a daily wage labourer, has no clue what took his wife's life. Sarita Devi, 25, was expecting her third child, and was on way to a good hospital at Bhagalpur district in Bihar. "She was normal all through the nine months...
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