-The Times of India BHOPAL: Additional district judge RN Chandra in a Dabra court near Gwalior on Thursday issued orders to unblock over 70 URLs related to Arindam Chaudhuri's Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM). The URLs were earlier blocked on orders of the court following a petition filed by Ruchiv Sharma. The blocking of the URLs had elicited massive online outrage, with many websites reproducing the blocked content. Sharma, who runs...
Hope trumps realism-Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
-The ASIan Age Sonia Gandhi’s economic and political ideology may have apparently triumphed over that of Manmohan Singh. The neo-liberal finance minister Palaniappan Chidambaram may be conveying an impression that he’s turned socialist with a vengeance by increASIng taxes on the rich in the run-up to the 16th general elections. But the truth is that Mr Chidambaram has made certain assumptions about subsidies, inflation and the expected growth of gross domestic product...
More »Budget 2013: Rs 150 crore for development projects in Kudankulam
-PTI The protest-hit Kudankulam town, where two 1,000 MW nuclear reactors are at an advanced stage of commissioning, was on Thursday allocated Rs 150 crore for carrying out various development works. Finance Minister P Chidambaram made the allocation for 'Neighbourhood Development Project (in Kudankulam)' in the Union Budget. The amount has been set ASIde 'to provide relief and rehabilitation to project affected people of Kudankulam area in Tamil Nadu', the budget documents stated. The...
More »More people than ever have hearing loss that can be improved or treated, UN reports
-The United Nations More than 360 million people have disabling hearing loss, according to new global estimates released by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), which adds that production of hearing aids is not keeping up with the urgent demand. “Current production of hearing aids meets less than 10 per cent of global need,” WHO’s Shelly Chadha of the Department of Prevention of Blindness and Deafness said in a news release...
More »Sibal takes on judges, says let the court allocate spectrum, explain its orders -Maneesh Chhibber
-The Indian Express On a day when the UPA government’s renewed effort to attract bids from telecom companies for the ensuing auction of 1,800 Mhz and 900 Mhz spectrum drew a blank, Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology Kapil Sibal said that “if the court were to take upon itself the responsibility of allocating spectrum in the public interest, in whichever manner it deems fit, it may serve us better”. With...
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