Two months after the Commonwealth Games (CWG) ended amid allegations of major financial wrongdoings, the CBI Friday raided Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi's homes in New Delhi and Pune and the Games office here. The Central Bureau of Investigation said teams of officers searched Kalmadi's residences and that of an aide also in Pune. 'The raids began early morning today. A total of four locations were raided in Delhi and Pune. We...
Rights activist Binayak Sen convicted, arrested
Rights activist Binayak Sen, accused of links with Maoists, was Friday convicted for sedition and conspiracy by a Chhattisgarh court and arrested soon after, leaving his family and fellow activists shaken and disappointed. District and Sessions Court judge B.P. Varma found Sen guilty on a variety of counts such as under 124 A and 120 B of the Indian Penal Code and also under the Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act. Sen,...
More »Aires ensures guv does not miss SIC date
A day after Goa governor S S Sidhu was summoned by the State Information Commission (SIC) for denying information under the Right To Information (RTI) Act, social activist Aires Rodrigues filed a caveat in the high court of Bombay at Goa anticipating that the governor may move the HC against the SIC notice. In his caveat before the high court, Rodrigues has prayed that no order be passed without notice...
More »Rajan Ghate bags National RTI Award 2010
Rajan Ghate, Goa's one-man-army against the illegal purchase of land by foreigners, is one among five Indian citizens to be awarded the National RTI Awards 2010 by the National RTI Secretariat, Uttar Pradesh. The awards ceremony will be held in January 2011. During his days as the state president of the Nationalist Youth Congress from September 2005 to October 2010, Ghate single-handedly agitated against the illegal purchase of land in...
More »In a first, Goa governor summoned by RTI panel
In an unprecedented move, the Goa Information Commission has summoned governor Dr S S Sidhu for claiming that the Right to Information Act didn't apply to his office. The commission took umbrage to the governor's attempt to escape accountability under RTI by claiming the his office wasn't a ''public authority'' as defined in the transparency law. The governor's stand flies in the face of the Act's scheme under which all government offices,...
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