-PTI Mayo College Ajmer, among the most reputable schools in the country, has said the 25 per cent quota for students from underprivileged families does not apply to it as it is a boarding school. Under the Right to Education Act, all schools barring unaided minority institutions have to reserve 25 per seats for students from the weaker sections. However, there is no clarity yet on boarding schools. Appearing for the Mayo College...
How barefoot lawyers bring food security to India's tribals & landless families
-Reuters KHAMMAM (India): It was a deal struck almost 40 years ago by a poor, illiterate Indian farmer, driven by desperation after a drought wiped out his crops and left his family close to starvation. The agreement: 10 acres of land, the size of four soccer pitches, for a mere 10 kg (22 lbs) of sorghum grains. "My father-in-law pawned the land for food," said Kowasalya Thati, lifting the hem of...
More »Children see unshackling device in RTE-Shruthi HM
-The Deccan Herald 25 pc quota in pvt schools will open floodgates of opportunities, say children Private school managements have decided to seek an year’s time for the implementation of the Supreme Court order over providing 25 per cent reservation for students from “weaker sections”. With hardly a month left for the new academic year to start, officials have their hands full, trying to figure out the best way to implement the Right...
More »RTE: National task force to frame guidelines for differently-abled
-Express News Service Union Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal on Tuesday said that a national-level task force would be set up to frame guidelines to protect the interest of severely disabled children. Disability activists had last week raised objections to a clause in the Right to Education Act that gives the option of home-based schooling for children with severe disabilities. In a meeting with activists on Tuesday, Sibal assured that all...
More »Employing children below 14 to be an offence-Chetan Chauhan
Raising the bar on child labour, the government is set to debar employment of children below the age of 14 in any industry. Only those between 14 to 18 years can be employed except in hazardous industries. The existing Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, allows employment of children of up to 14 years of age in the industries not considered to be hazardous. Hazardous industries include tobacco, stone crushing,...
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