The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday registered a disproportionate assets case against a senior IAS officer, presently posted in the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) as Commissioner, after raiding his residence and other places allegedly owned by him in the capital region. The investigating agency also claimed to have recovered huge assets disproportionate to his known source of income. The officer, Manoj Kumar Agarwal, 43, is posted as Commissioner...
Reform markets to tame food prices by Ashok Gulati and Kavery Ganguly
The food price inflation in India, measured by the wholesale price index of food items, touched a 10-year high for the week ended November 28, 2009 when it crossed 19% on point-to-point basis over the corresponding week a year ago. The cereal prices were up by about 13%, but pulses are up by 42%, and vegetables by 31%, although potato prices shot up by 102%. This is getting way beyond...
More »Rural India poorer than estimated: Tendulkar Panel
It is official now that the poverty in India is much more than earlier estimated. The Suresh Tendulkar Committee report submitted this month (December 09) estimates poverty in India at over 37 per cent (2004-5) and not at 28 per cent as calculated earlier. With recent price rise in food items factored, the current level could be even higher (See the link of the report below). The Government of India had...
More »How many mouths to feed?
It used to be a quip in the 1970s that estimation of poverty in India is stymied by the poverty of estimation. The other joke was that far too many economists and statisticians had prospered trying to estimate poverty! So, we have yet another estimate of poverty in India. Rural poverty numbers for 2004-05 are up from the earlier estimate of 28.3 per cent to 41.8 per cent — with...
More »Privatisation of Judiciary! by K G Somasekharan Nair
The increase in the number of civil cases in a country is its social mascot, as it symbolises the abundance of law abiding civilised citizens accepting the authority of the judiciary to get their grievances redressed. Otherwise, they would have turned to self-retaliation or employed roughnecks, a usual practice in America and Britain enkindled by their criminal heritage, to enforce justice in their own way; hence all civil litigants may...
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