No ads on government achievements at the cost of exchequer The Election Commission (EC) has asked the Chief Electoral Officers of Tamil Nadu, Assam, Kerala, West Bengal and Puducherry, where Assembly elections have been announced, to direct the district election officers (DEOs) to immediately constitute district-level committees to monitor and investigate paid news. The committees should scrutinise all newspapers to locate political advertisements in the garb of news coverage appearing during the...
India’s farmers reap little despite rising food prices by James Lamont
Ram Dia Singh was ready to chuck in his life as a farmer in northern India to embrace that of an ascetic in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. When he consulted his guru in the hill town of Solan, instead of being welcomed into a holy order he was instructed to return to the land and do good works among fellow farmers who increasingly struggle to eke out a living...
More »Check leakages to execute food Act efficiently
Increase in offtake under various public distribution schemes. Supply of wheat and rice will have to be doubled if the proposed National Food Security Act for targeted beneficiaries is implemented with the current delivery mechanism, in which leakages are too high, the Economic Survey for 2010-11 has said. “Once we give a legal guarantee to people about the food that they are to receive, if we try to deliver on this promise...
More »Sonia's NAC prevails over govt on RTI, Forest Rights Act by Subodh Ghildiyal & Himanshi Dhawan
The Sonia Gandhi-led national advisory council (NAC) has won decisive victories in keeping at bay the governments attempt to regulate right to information and ensuring the pro-tribal Forest Rights Act is made more effective for its intended beneficiaries. On the national Food Security Act -- the third bone of contention between the government and NAC -- the Council at its meeting on Saturday held its ground and advocated a staggered...
More »‘Need for linking farmers directly to market’
A shift from the traditional rice-wheat cycle and linking farmers directly to the market can end the current stagnation in farm sector, according to the Economic Survey 2010-11 tabled in the Parliament on Friday.The survey stated that capital investment were required not only for farm productivity but also to create adequate infrastructure for Transport, storage and distribution of agricultural produce. The stagnation is evident from the fact that whereas overall GDP...
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