Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda on Monday announced during the Budget Session that his Government was working to enact a law safeguarding the rights of the Scheduled Tribes on their ancestral land and property. Munda added that recommendations of a sub-committee of the Tribal Advisory Committee would be taken under consideration before any such exercise. Replying to a question of raised by AJSU MLA KK Bhagat, in which he raised the issue...
Penance for Ganga-Purnima S Tripathi
An environmental scientist continues his relentless battle to save the Ganga, this time by starting a fast unto death. THE campaign to save the Ganga has cost one life in the hill State of Uttarakhand. The life of another activist now hinges on the government's commitment. In 2011, Swami Nigamananda of Matri Sadan undertook a fast unto death demanding an end to illegal sand mining in the Ganga, at least in Haridwar...
More »Judicial Control of Policymaking and Implementation: Interlinking Rivers by Videh Upadhyay
The Supreme Court has handed down an extraordinary decision with some extraordinary arguments directing the central government to execute the “river interlinking project”. How could the Court which says “it can hardly take unto itself tasks of making of a policy decision or planning for the country on the need for acquisition and construction of river linking channels” then go on to actually take the very same policy decision and...
More »Parliament has credibility problem, targetting us won’t solve it: Arvind Kejriwal
-The Economic Times Team Anna found itself an 'untouchable' when politicians across the aisle attacked it in Parliament for calling parliamentarians thieves and dacoits. It was a rare moment of unanimity in the Lok Sabha on Monday as outraged members condemned Team Anna saying it had crossed all limits of decorum by using such unparliamentary words during its day-long fast at Jantar Mantar on Sunday. However, Arvind Kejriwal, who was in the...
More »Protection from Starvation Bill-Veena S Rao
The 'Food Security' Bill falls flat as its content does not match its aspirations A disconnect runs through the nomenclature, preamble, objectives and content of the National Food Security Bill, 2011. The Preamble goes beyond the Title and states that the Bill provides “for food and nutritional security in human life cycle approach, by ensuring access to adequate quantity of quality food at affordable price….” Even on cursory reading, it is...
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