The Delhi police have obtained a compact disc purportedly containing a fabricated telephone conversation between the former Law Minister and co-chairman of the joint committee to draft the Lokpal Bill, Shanti Bhushan, and Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh and the former SP general secretary, Amar Singh. It has been sent for forensic examination. The police, who had planned to approach The Indian Express to get the CD, got a copy...
RTI activist denied details of ex-CJI's income
The Income Tax appellate authority here has decided not to provide most of the income details of the former Chief Justice of India, K.G. Balakrishnan, sought by a right to information (RTI) activist. This follows objections raised by Justice Balakrishnan. The appellate authority, however, agreed to provide the assessment order on Justice Balakrishnan's income for 2008-09. The copy of the orders should be provided to RTI activist T. Balachandran after masking...
More »Binayak walks free after scare by Sheena K
Binayak Sen walked out of prison this evening to warm hugs from his mother, wife, daughters and friends but not before technical problems relating to his bail threatened to stall his release today. Eventually, the frail 61-year-old in kurta-pyjamas emerged from Raipur Central Jail a couple of hours later than expected, ending his four-month stay behind bars under a bail condition that requires him to surrender his passport. The rights activist, granted...
More »Blind Men Of Hindostan by Sheela Reddy
Do we, the Indian middle class, see the corruption within us? I was too busy being corrupt to join Anna Hazare’s camp last week. For four days, I heard nothing but stories of our Tahrir Square-like revolution against the corrupt unfurling right under our noses in Delhi’s Jantar Mantar. But it was school admission time and I had some serious palm-greasing, document-fudging, string-pulling, weight-throwing and tout-chasing to do. I had...
More »Bhushan cites experts, asserts CD was spliced to tar graft war by Abantika Ghosh
Two renowned forensic experts have established that the Shanti Bhushan tape where he purportedly asks for money to fix a case was fabricated, vindicating Prashant Bhushan and his colleagues in the India Against Corruption campaign who had maintained that the CD was spliced. Armed with reports from US-based acoustic phonetics expert George Papcun and S R Singh, former director of Central Forensic Science Laboratory who is now with Hyderabad-based Truth Labs,...
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