-The Telegraph The government today introduced the Lokpal bill in the Lok Sabha amid protests by Anna Hazare’s group on the streets and the BJP in Parliament. While Hazare’s group dismissed the bill as a joke and burnt its copies, the BJP said that excluding the Prime Minister from the Lokpal’s ambit violated the constitutional scheme. As soon as the minister of state for personnel, V. Narayanasamy, moved the bill, Opposition leader...
Monsoon worries bothering PMEAC
-The Economic Times The latest forecast of the Met office suggesting a weakening of the south-west monsoon during the second half of the monsoon season is not cause for panic. It is the distribution of rainfall across space and time rather than the aggregate percentages that matter for the farm sector. The good news is that both the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall has been satisfactory so far. A good reservoir...
More »Dharna planned against draft Land Acquisition Bill by K Balchand
Not a comprehensive draft, says Medha Patkar The first major opposition to the draft National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2011 will be in the form of a three-day dharna here beginning on Wednesday by the project-affected people. Various peoples' movements under the banner of SANGHARSH have decided to stage a dharna at Jantar Mantar protesting the new draft and demanding that the government come up with a comprehensive National...
More »Surat’s sex ratio poor, officials worried by Rishi Banerji
While it has achieved exceptional growth in many spheres, Surat is lagging behind in terms of gender equality. As per Surat Municipal Corporation records, the sex ratio shows a dismal trend in the city. The gap is high in the child sex ratio i.e. 0-6 age group.As per birth registration figures provided by SMC, the city is far behind the national average. In 2010, 816 girls were born against 1000 boys...
More »‘We’ll take the burden for employees for some time, but how long?’ by P Vaidyanathan Iyer
RV Gumaste, a member of Kirloskar’s project team that set up Bellary’s first iron-making unit in 1994, has never seen such times since he first moved base from Pune 17 years ago. “We will take the burden for our regular employees for some time. But how long?” says the industry veteran, who was appointed Managing Director of Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Ltd in July 2003. The Rs 1,100-crore company has 800...
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