The Centre has asked Maharashtra to “drop” its case against Ilina Sen, the wife of jailed rights activist Binayak Sen, a central government official said today. Ilina was booked for allegedly not informing police about foreign delegates’ participation at a conference organised by the Indian Association for Women’s Studies (IAWS) and the Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Vishwavidyalaya (MGAV) at Wardha in January. The ATS Nagpur unit had noted in an FIR that Form...
Companies named by CAG set to face CBI heat by Shalini Singh
After Raja, Behura and Chandolia, the heat's now on the new 2G licencees which have benefited from the telecom scam. Fear stalks the telecom industry that the CBI may now zero in on promoters and senior Executives of some companies. The CBI FIR of October 2009 says, "Certain officials of DoT entered into a criminal conspiracy with certain private persons/companies and misused their official position in grant of Unified Access Service...
More »UN launches year-long celebration of vital role of world’s forests
Recognizing the role that forests play in everything from mitigating climate change to providing wood, medicines and livelihoods for people worldwide, the United Nations today kicked off a year-long celebration to raise awareness of the value of this important resource. “Forests for People” is the main theme of the International Year of Forests, which was launched at a ceremony at UN Headquarters in New York attended by world leaders, Nobel Laureate...
More »PM takes serious view of Shunglu report on CWG broadcast deal
Taking a "serious view" of Shunglu Committee's findings on alleged irregularities in awarding broadcast rights of Commonwealth Games, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday warned of "stern action" against the guilty. "The Prime Minister has taken a serious view of the findings in the first report of the Shunglu Committee on Host Broadcasting," media advisor to the Prime Minister, Harish Khare, said in a statement. The report has been sent to Cabinet...
More »Urgent steps needed to curb rising food and other commodity prices, UN warns
Senior United Nations officials today called for urgent steps to rein in the rising prices for basic farm produce, petroleum and raw industrial materials whose volatility hits the world’s poorest people the hardest. “Such volatility has huge negative impacts on vulnerable groups, such as low-income households in developing countries, for whom food expenditure can account for up to 80 per cent of household budgets,” UN Conference on Trade and Development...
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